
Come to Success

Mountain Path with sun rising overtop


When stings stab
leaving red soreness on the flesh,
a bump inflamed
the body defends itself.
The bite sinks
deeper than the surface
into the menagerie
of the mind.
it persists,
torn trappings of the soul.
What now remains,
but pain?
A wavering between
Light and dark
Life and death
Heaven and hell
Goodness and disturbedness.
Until the Call to remember-
Leave away the inflaming sores-
Come to God
Come to success.


Wonder, Wander

Wandering through Creator's expanse

Through earth’s valleys,
This lowest life,
Its mirage,
Through cacti and prickly pears
Adorned with spikes—
Casting spells
Of fear—
While pointing wanderers to what’s inside:
For the thirst-blistered wanderer,
The wonderer
The lover of God,
Of Goodness,
How sweet is its nectar!
When you wander
Through the world’s parchment
Meeting God
Only when you realize
You were never, ever alone.
With the Creator
Through his beautiful expanse.

Prayer to Let Loose These Anchors 2

Prayer to Let Loose the Anchors

Anger is just a boiling,

a manifestation

of us latching

onto the thing we’re losing—

whether control,

wealth, dignity, health—

whatever transient

that we think makes us “whole.”


Anger is like anchors,

chains pulling us to the earth.

Instead of loss pointing us

to the One we will never lose:

the Creator—

our anchors strain,



try might and main,

to keep us stuck to this earth,

plowing scars  through it’s crust.

And all the while,

Life pushes us

ahead and up.

But anger,

these anchors,

keep us back and pull us down.



Help me let loose the anchors of anger,

that chain me to my lower nature.

Help me be a healer.

To heal myself and everyone around.


With Love,

Your servant

Be You by Accepting Truth

Radiant Heart


You strive to accept Truth
even when its against you
But remember
to accept Truth
even when it favors you.

How could you stand
against the insurmountable—
obstacle upon obstacle—
without accepting the Truth
that favors you?
That favors your excellence,
that proclaims Success
is yours to experience—
to faithfully recreate
day to day
with Confidence!

Because the Truth is
Your Creator is excellent,
He created you,
So your nature
is magnificent.

Accept Truth
when it’s against
or when it favors you—
All else
is ingratitude.
Be complete and manifest!



See the Unseen

Stretch into the Light

We clamor to the immediacy
of what we see,
Blind to the immediacy
of the Unseen—
Although it’s Far Supreme:
With Oneness,
With the Universe’s
To attain Mastery,
Stop being reactionary,
finding quick release
of lowest tendencies:
The path of
least resistance.
See the Unseen,
Be Aware
Of the Creator—
Who supersedes
All lowest immediacies.

God is Greater 4

Arabic Writing: God is Greater

Allahu Akbar:
God is Greater.
Greater than
any victimizer
Greater than the heedlessness—
the diseased mindlessness,
void of its Creator—
That fuels lowly
Light-less behavior
infects us
Like bites
of vampires
Converting us
into something other
than your True You
A virus
spreading, plaguing

Our true immunity
Is what God inspired
In You
Reach this essential Truth
Yes, Within You
Why let viruses:
dishonesty, pomp, injustice,
Infect you too?

God is Greater
than any victimizer
than their behavior
Borne of Godlessness
God is Greater
Because God-mindfulness
Even Heals the victimizer!
Like a Light
Shining upon night
In the face of evil,
You be You
Your True You:
Repel the evil with better
and your enemy
will become
Your bosom friend (41:34)
This is Truth!
Light upon Light
This is what God calls you to,
Light that shines within You

God is Greater
than despair,
than blame
Hope is God’s name,
And Trust is our refrain

Seek the True
And submit
Only to it
Not to material
lost in denial
and disease
ridden with pomp
and dishonesty—
And when we do interact
With behavior borne of night,
Repel the evil with the better!
Always Remember
God is Greater:
Allahu Akbar.

Seeking Peace with the Material World?

Palm Tree Amidst Grayish Sky

Seeking Peace with the material world?
with the cruelty, suffering, and ignorance?
To accept injustices
as just
“ways of the world”?
To sit idly,
without remedy?

Only outside of our higher nature,
Would we be at peace with the sicknesses
of this material world.
Their existence is clear reminder,
That material is not God.

Peace is not with the material world.
Peace is only in it.
Peace that shines from beyond it,
Soothes in midst of it,
Comforts through Creator of it.

Seeking Peace with the material world?
The Truthful only live at Peace in it.

Hope is with Our Guardian

Hope is with Our Guardian

Hope in God is your ultimate expression of iman, belief and trust in Him.

Positivity is hope dressed in different flair.

Have hope in the midst of the whole world crumbling around you,

and by God, you will be a source of hope for others,

All of God’s creation.

Hope was never vested in the world of material anyway.

How much you have or don’t,

How much you’ve lost or gained,

But the importance of this lowest life is that it’s a stage,

a stage in our development.


Do you know what’s confidence?

It is hope in God in the most improbable of impossible

(and in the most usual of regular).

Be hopeful and God’s Light will shine on you with radiance.

Only when you view the world as the end-all,

As your primary existence,

Would you lose hope

and let the primitive,

the material,

seep in:

“My kin, My religion, My skin, My nation”


We must look at options relatively

and choose the BEST option.

Hope is always the best option

Everything else is ingratitude, disease, deception.


All Truth produces “correct” results

And all falsehood produces the opposite.

There is nothing more correct than promoting life and wellness

And what reduces these is stress

Materialism does not offer hope.

It only produces

paranoia, pessimism and possessiveness.

It increases distress.

Just like an equation,

Plugging in the wrong variable gives you the wrong answer.

Search your experiences,

and uncover that worshipping material

is the wrong answer.

Hope in the Creator

Confidence in an existence beyond this

Produces hope no matter the meanest

of circumstances in this lowest world.

Hope in the Creator of the material

is the right answer.


Respect the material and honor it.

Know it is a test and a stage for your development.

Besides this, it is little more than whim.

Because it will not last.

How could the temporary be the end-all?

When our hearts are tied to the eternal?

Choose the BEST option:

Hope where there seems none.

All Hope is with Our Guardian.

The You of God

The Creator is Enough


God is enough

If we but knew (4:45, 132).

He it is

That made you

in the wombs,

formed you,

however He pleased (3:6),

Adorned you (40:64)


No changing

God’s creation (30:30)

Neither body

Nor other.


He is enough

as Creator,



If we but knew (59:24)


You are God’s You.

Seeking validation

outside this truth?

In the empty

outside of you?


With dazzled speech

We forsake

God’s completeness

And replace it

With emptiness,


Change it?


Communal Lies

That deride

the Divinely



Pushing aside

God’s You


God is enough.

You know this true.


The truth

That’s written

In every code

Divinely wrote—


That makes you,


Honesty with God’s Light 4

Being Honest with God's Light

I, Me, My

fear, lust, lies:

All doubt

Is set alight

by the Sun,

Giver’s Light,

Your Sweetness

Shines Waves of Warm



Until the dark

Is gone


Only in

The Unseen

Is Confidence


For all—

and sicknesses

of trustless-ness



Life is witness

Our experiences

Are witness

To God’s Existence


Belief in Unseen

Is but the Summit

Of all Seen

Follow Surah Fatihah

Follow Surah Fatihah Not Path of Calf

Through time’s woven patterns

We see History



In our own time—

Our life—

we see




In Surah Fatiha

we read

“Guide us on the straight path

Not the path of those

Who earned anger

Nor of those who go astray”

This speaks

Of history

A pattern of behavior

Choose the pattern best

To repeat:

The Straight Path:

The path of Growing, Learning,

Reforming and Performing

Kind Acts,

Honesty, Humility

Don’t follow the way,

The path,

of other religious communities,

misled or wronging,

But how did they stray?

In what thing

did they engage?


the calf (4:153)

The symbol of the herd,

To blindly serve

“Whatever” Leaders

Whether religious or others

Nay, should you serve

God First,


before you serve

the community dearest

nearest to you

that community is not you

God is He that our identity

belongs to

From the Truth, Never Swerve

Even if it be against you or yours

rich or poor (4:135)

Or Against Your calf.


If you do not,

you will follow the path

of communities other

That do the same

And fail.

Sleepful Wakeness

Sleepful Wakeness

Sleepful Wakeness

Imagine waking
and it’s a dream:
the lovely chants
material scenes
worldly melodies

that charmed our hearts;
We thought them real
spent life upon
Thinking all else
the Divine,

We believed this most:
survival of the fittest
survival of the most
the tribalist

We believed it our
only truth
because we looked
with charmed eyes

We groped with swelling
we lived by communal,
programmed lines

We thought life just
filled with pain
or self-satisfying gain

We hurt and suffered
without hope
in the rising sun
nor confidence
in the ever present One

We sulked in numbered negatives,
and forsook numberless positives

Never trusting in ourselves
or the ever present Light
We scoffed our truth
at every turn
and put  down
what God put within
favoring the dream
of the lowly world

We live asleep
never waking
from the dream-
the nightmare-
not swelling with Light
God’s ever-presence
living beyond
mere reactions
to the lowest plane
but being at one with the Highest

All Good we see is Life
All Truth we seek
is always here,
very near,
Speak to your Creator.

God answers and hears.
Be true to yourself and accept the smallest truths.
Then will you grow to see the greatest.



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With Every Loss, We Can Gain 2

Tree During Fall/Spring

Ever wonder why

The tests are in our lives?

“We will surely test you by fear and hunger; and loss of property, lives, and fruits. Yet give good news to the patient. Those who, when difficulty afflicts them, proclaim, ‘We belong to God and to Him we will return’” (2:155-156).

Every test, every fitnah, happens by the Will of God. God is not guilty for any test He wills for us.

“He is not questioned about his acts, but they will be questioned about theirs” (21:23)

He is the Creator. He made us. We belong to him. So he can do with us whatever He pleases.

He is Independent.

It is we who are dependent.

We submit to Reality,

Either willingly

Or unwillingly,


He never wills as a sadist

He always wills what’s Best,

Trust Him.

Everything that happens to us,

Everything lost

Is a reminder

not only of Everything we have,

“If you were to count God’s blessings, you would never be able to. God is indeed the Forgiving, Merciful” (16:18)

or where we are in our journey,

(Are we so pained by the hurt in our past

That we hurt ourselves and others?)

More important than that,

With Every loss, we can Gain.


We are not defined by what we have.

Perhaps it takes loss for us to realize that.

We are not defined by what we’ve lost.

Perhaps it takes acceptance

and patience for us to realize this.

Everything we’ve lost was given to us by God

In the first place.

It is His to give

and His to take.


Everything we lose,

if we accept it and trust,

Have hope in our Creator,

He Will Produce Something Greater,

Allahu akbar :

God is Greater


For with every loss, we can Gain:

Know better where we are:

dishonest, pompous, hopeless?

Humble, Hopeful, Honest?


With every loss, we can Gain

A Gain that is greater still—

One never lost—

So Great


Is God, The Greatest



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